
FeedbackFruits provides a series of tools designed to enhance feedback and student engagement with course content.

What is FeedbackFruits?

FeedbackFruits is a suite of assignment tools that provide students with opportunities to give and receive feedback, and work collaboratively on a range of assessment activities.

The Peer Review assignment structures the process of students reviewing works submitted by other students.

The Group Member Evaluation assignment structures the process of students giving feedback about other group members.

Assignment Review supports the submission of assignments of any file type, and facilitates discussion between student and marker(s).

Interactive Document, Interactive Audio and Interactive Video Assignments structure the process of analysing, discussing and reviewing written documents, audio files or podcasts, and videos.

Skill Review supports the assessment and feedback of work that does not require a submission, for example an in-class presentation or practical skills.

Self-Assessment of Work and Self-Assessment of Skills structure reflection activities on student work, and self-assessment or self-grading activities. Note that most other FeedbackFruits tools also offer pre and/or post activity reflection steps.

Comprehension facilitates reading, watching and listening tasks by providing structured prompts for students to respond to.

Discussion on Topic and Discussion on Work facilitates small group discussions, and peer reviewed discussions, on work submitted by the student or a topic set by the instructor.

Discussion on Topic and Discussion on Work are assessment tools. Discussion forums in Canvas LMS or other integrated technologies are more suitable for open discussions, and question and answer forums.

If you are unsure which FeedbackFruits tool to use, please contact Learning Environments to discuss these options.

Teaching and learning applications

Peer Review

Peer Review assignments are an opportunity for students to receive and give feedback through the review of artefacts and events, including essays, posters, videos, presentations, performances and professional practices. Instructors create the review structure, providing evaluation criteria with options of ratings and text responses, choosing the number of self and peer reviews to be completed, and timings. Reviews can be based on individual or group submissions. Students can also be assessed on several components of the activity, including participation, scores awarded by reviewers and number of comments. The relative weightings of these components are chosen by the instructor.

Group Member Evaluation

Group Member Evaluation assignments are an opportunity to collect feedback about teams or groups and their members. Students can reflect on the group experience and provide confidential feedback to staff, addressing the performance and contributions of individual members, including a self-evaluation. Instructors create the review structure and assign to particular group or all groups within a subject in the LMS. Students can receive marks for participation, writing a set number of comments, writing a reflection and reviewing feedback. Group member evaluation assignments can also be used for peer review activities when no document submission step is required.

Assignment Review

Assignment Review provides an additional assignment submission option compared to the default submission in Canvas. Students can submit documents, video, audio and image files and be assessed against a rubric or marking scheme. Where this differs from Canvas is the scaffolding of feedback review. Each comment provided by the marker can initialise a discussion thread between teacher and student within the FeedbackFruits environment. Students can also be prompted to write an assessed or non-assessed reflection on their work and/or feedback. FeedbackFruits Assignment Review also allows markers to anchor feedback to specific timestamps in video and audio submissions.

Interactive Document, Interactive Audio and Interactive Video

Interactive Document, Interactive Audio and Interactive Video provide an opportunity for students to work collaboratively in reviewing a document, audio recording or video. Teachers can scaffold the activity by placing discussion points, and posing open response or multiple-choice questions, at strategic points throughout the document, audio file or video. Students can also be given the opportunity to start their own discussions or to pose their own questions. Grades can be awarded for participation, number of responses, and answers to open response and multiple-choice questions. Note that the answers to open response questions are assessed by the student and not automatically marked by Feedback Fruits. Please ensure that you check the copyright requirements of any material before uploading. Note that some resources, such as YouTube videos, can be linked to and do not need downloading or uploading.

Important: Only copyright compliant materials can be used with FeedbackFruits Interactive Document/Audio/Video. See the copyright guidelines for using published materials in LMS activities for instructions on how to determine if a resource can be used with FeedbackFruits.

Skill Review

Skill Review provides a similar experience to the ‘no submission’ assignment in the LMS. Teachers provide feedback to students via written comments, rubrics or marking scales. Skill review can be used for assessing and providing feedback on oral presentations, technical skills and other in-class activities. Skill review can also facilitate a discussion between teacher and student on the feedback provided.

Self Assessment of Work and Self Assessment of Skills

Self Assessment of Work and Self Assessment of Skills support students in their reflection activity. The former tool can be used where a document is to be submitted (for example an essay, report, podcast or video), while the latter tool can be used when no file is required (for example, for an oral presentation, technical skill or work placement). Teachers can provide students with marking rubrics or marking scales, or simply require a written reflection. Teachers can also add their own feedback.


In Comprehension activities the teacher provides a resource for students to read, watch or listen to, and a list of topics for students to address. Comprehension activities can be used for annotated bibliographies, thematic analysis, reflections on a resource, or to provide scaffolding or guidance for reading and watching tasks. There are also a small number of grading options available.

Discussion activities

Discussion activities facilitate and structure student-student interactions using submitted student work as discussion prompts. Discussion activities can be used for activities where discussion, incorporating a peer review step is desired, for example for virtual conference poster or oral presentations, essay draft reviews or regular blog posts following the discussion of a piece of student work.

As noted above: Discussion Assignment is an assessment tool. Discussion forums in Canvas or other integrated technologies are more suitable for open discussions, and question and answer forums.

Getting started

Navigate to your Subject's Assignments area and create a new Canvas Assignment; select External Tool followed by FeedbackFruits. Choose the relevant FeedbackFruits tool from the list in the FeedbackFruits menu. FeedbackFruits assignments can also be added through the three dots menu in the Assignments area.

Ungraded FeedbackFruits activities can be directly embedded in LMS pages or linked in LMS Modules.

FeedbackFruits activities can also be directly embedded in LMS pages or linked in LMS Modules.

For more information, refer to the FeedbackFruits in the LMS staff guide.

Support and resources

FeedbackFruits is supported by Learning Environments. Please submit a support request for assistance.

Feedback Fruits guides