Qualtrics - Getting started

Tips for using Qualtrics and resources to help staff create, distribute and analyse survey results.

All Qualtrics Guides listed below are for Research Core - the University's selected survey creation service.

Access to Qualtrics

University of Melbourne staff and research students access Qualtrics using their username and password at the Qualtrics/Unimelb login page

Log in to Qualtrics

Tips before starting

Some basic settings are defined for all users. We recommend updating your timezone to Melbourne and ensuring the language is set to UK English.

  • Click on the person silhouette icon at the top-right corner and select Account Settings
  • In User Settings, change the time zone to GMT+10 and select English (UK) from the language dropdown.

Users who have joined the University of Melbourne account having previously owned an account with Qualtrics will need to force the data to update once they login by refreshing the workspace.

  • Click on the person silhouette icon at the top-right corner and select Refresh Account.

Qualtrics guides

Qualtrics provides an overview of the information shown in the home screen (Projects area).

Creating surveys

Qualtrics guides for creating surveys:

Question types

Qualtrics guides for each question type:

Static content

Standard questions

Speciality questions


University of Melbourne resources


Qualtrics is supported by Learning Environments. Any questions regarding accounts, usage and training can be submitted through the LMS and learning technologies support request form.


This guide was last updated 25 Jul 2024.
Please report any errors or omissions in this guide by submitting an LMS support request.

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