Handbook-Canvas integration: Assessment weightings now appear as Assignment Groups in Canvas

Assessment activities published in the Handbook are automatically created in Canvas as weighted assignment groups. These weighted assignment groups appear as columns in the Gradebook and are used for calculating the total mark for a subject.

Staff are able to edit the assignment group titles if required, see instructions below.

An illustrated workflow of the integration

  1. Handbook: the Assessment link displays the breakdown of learning activities and weightings of a subject.

    Assessment handbook
    Assessment Handbook
  2. Canvas: Weighted assignment groups are automatically created in Canvas based on the information from the Handbook.

  3. Gradebook: Weighted assignment groups will appear in columns of the Gradebook that are used for calculating the total mark of the subject.


How do I use assignment groups?

The Assignments link from the subject navigation menu provides an overview of assignments and weighted assignment groups in your subject.

Click the plus (+) icon from the relevant group to create a new assignment.

If there is an existing assignment in your subject, you can drag and drop it under the relevant assignment group.

Note: Some assignments may not need to be associated with any mark calculation. In this case, they can stay under the default “Assignments” group.

Modifying the weighting of an assignment group

If the description and/or weighting of any assignment group needs to be changed, please follow the below steps:

Edit group name
Navigate to the assignment group and click Edit

Click on the Assignments link from the subject navigation menu in your subject. Select the three-radio button icon from the assignment group you wish to modify and select edit.

Make desired changes to the assignment group name or weighting and select Save.

Modify group name
Update the assignment group name and weighting, then click Save

More Information

Learning Environments

  • LMS integration